I have recovered well enough from a three day sugar bender and have enough energy to share this recent bit of press with you.
I was just interviewed by the infamous Tiffany Scandal. She’s a bit of a wonder — author, photographer, and model. I was honored to have a chance to stop by her blog.
Check it out here: http://tiffanyscandalsucks.com/blog/2014/12/28/meet-tom-lucas
It’s also up on Suicide Girls, if you aren’t at work or in polite company: https://suicidegirls.com/members/silencia/blog/2798799/meet-tom-lucas-author-of-pax-titanus/
And after you’re done reading, check out her amazing book, There’s No Happy Ending. Click on the image below.
Photo Credit: jarancibia via Compfight cc